Sargassum Floating Algae Index with Sentinel-3A&B and AQUA satellites.
Composite maps of sargassum detection index NFAI (Normalized Floating Algae Index).
Types of dataset: multimission dataset using OLCI instruments onboard Sentinel-3A&B satellites and MODIS instruments onboard AQUA.
DOI: 10.24400/527896/a01-2024.014 - more metadata
Contents: 7-day average of Sargassum Normalized Floating Algae Index (NFAI) using Sentinel-3A&B and AQUA satellites.
Use: study the seasonal variability of the sargassum presence in the Tropical Atlantic from Gulf of Guinea to Gulf of Mexico. Identify areas affected by Sargassum events and localize sargassum rafts.
Condition of access: these products are delivered for any purposes as stated in the licence agreement
Description: Daily gridded products provided in delayed time from February 2022 to a month before current date, made available as part of SeSaM SCO project ( Each map represents the sargassum presence (through normalized floatting alguae index) of the last 7 days at 0.01° resolution.
Citation: Any use of this dataset must be verified in the AVISO+ license and must cite its DOI 10.24400/527896/a01-2024.014 as well as the following sentence: "This 7-day average of Sargassum Floating Algae Detection product using Sentinel-3A&B and AQUA satellites was produced operationally by CLS in the frame of the SAMTool service, distributed by AVISO+ with the support of SCO-CNES."
Geographic coverage:: -100°W/13°E/-5°S/30°N
Format: NetCDF-4 Classic with CF standards.
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Copyright : 2022 - ongoing, Cls
Sargassum Floating Algae Index - OLCI and MODIS
Product | Satellite | DOI | Authenticated access service | Frequency | Data period | Dataset name |
Sargassum detection - Floating Algae Index - OLCI and MODIS | OLCI instruments on Sentinel-3A&B and MODIS instrument on AQUA | 10.24400/527896/a01-2024.014 | see your MY AVISO+ | Daily | 2022/02/22 to one month delay | dataset-sargassum-merged-7day-olci-modis |